Good Wishes

Good Wishes

▋"祝福" CD佛曲 佛教修行者需要注重清净自己的坏习性,透过经常的发愿来得祝福,以结下好善缘并产生好的习气,而能得瑕满人身及亲近佛缘。而发的愿望若能实现,一是出家僧众须有极清净的戒律,二是对于一般居士,则须靠持诵登地以上菩萨所开示发愿的词句。藉由多念诵这些发愿祝福的词句,自己心愿才容易实现。 恶念的对治就是要多祝福发愿。因为在祝福的当下,内心并没有恶念,如此慢慢的恶念续流斩断,无恶念则易投生善道,能解脱轮回,成就佛果。 七句祈请文是显密的道路关键浓缩要点。心愿速成精要祈请文是莲师祝福的词句,可去除障碍及祝福心愿实现。药师佛心咒内含成就佛果前的发愿祝福。唱诵心咒或持诵药师佛的名号,能清除恶业,清净戒律的破损,经常听咒或诵药师佛曲可使自己及家族受保护,威力强大。佛曲唱诵能让人心平静,带给人之间的关爱,使心慈悲及喜悦。佛曲往昔是由空行母对诸佛菩萨的礼赞。唱诵佛曲可以消灾及累积福德的并得到祝福。 ▋ "Good Wishes" CD In Buddhism practice, it is important to remove our bad habits but it is very difficult to do so. By constantly receiving deities’ good wishes and blessings it is possible to be re-born as a human and be able to be close to the dharma and your guru. How can we make our good wishes come true? As a monk or nun, by keeping good discipline to vows it is possible to have your wishes come true. For general people, we need to pray “wish prayer words” taught by the Buddha or Pusa (Bodhisattva) and it will be much easier for us to obtain blessings and make our wishes come true. The Seven Line Prayer and Guru Rinpoche Good Wishes Prayers include the key points for reaching nature Buddha mind and these prayer words also include all Guru Rinpoche’s great blessing wishes. By chanting these words with strong faith will more easily make peoples’ wishes come true. Also, when a person makes good wishes all the time, it is unlikely they will have bad thoughts and gradually the person will reduce the bad thoughts and habits and more easily improve their dharma learning and reaching nature Buddha mind. The Medicine Buddha mantra includes the Medicine Buddha’s good wishes and the power of chanting this mantra can purify people’s mistakes or recover their vow. By listening or chanting the mantra, it will protect us and reduce the likelihood of disease. Chanting or listening to the mantra can make our mind more peaceful, more caring and increasing our mercy heart. The Buddhism songs were sing by Dakinis to praise and pay respect. The Buddha Chanting mantra can reduce our obstacles and increase our luck and more easily obtain the Buddha and deities’ blessings and make our wishes come true. ▋CD曲目 1. 皈依发心祈愿文 (台湾编曲)Refuge Prayer and Bodhicitta prayer; composed in Taiwan by Andrew Yeh 2. 莲花生大士七句祈请文 (不丹编曲)Guru Rinpoche Seven Line Prayer; composed in Bhutan by Tandin Dorji 3. 莲花生大士心愿速成精要祈请文 (台湾编曲)Guru Rinpoche Good Wishes Prayer; composed in Taiwan by Andrew Yeh 4. 药师佛心咒 (不丹编曲)Medicine Buddha Mantra; composed in Bhutan by Tandin Dorji 5. 药师佛心咒 (台湾编曲);Medicine Buddha Mantra; composed in Taiwan by Andrew Yeh 6. 莲花生大士七句祈请文 (台湾编曲); Guru Rinpoche Seven Line Prayer ; composed in Taiwan by Andrew Yeh 7. 多杰林巴传承祈愿文 (台湾编曲)Dorling Blessing Prayer; composed in Taiwan by Andrew Yeh 8. 七句祈请文音乐 Seven Line Prayer Music Soundtrack ▋堪祖 苏南给称仁波切 (布萨祖古) 东方伏藏王多杰林巴(1346-1405)一生拜见莲师25次,是西藏毗卢遮那译师的转世化身,毗卢遮那译师则为释迦牟尼佛大弟子阿难尊者的转世化身。 来自不丹的堪祖 苏南给称 仁波切,3岁时即讲出自己为多杰林巴心子,是彭措.多杰(Lam Phuntsho Dorjil)的转世。仁波切自幼对佛法深具信心, 为多杰林巴传承心子,聪美.札西.天津的殊妙心体传承持有者。 仁波切8岁于札西丘宗(Tashi chozong)总寺出家;11岁自顶果钦哲仁波切处领受完整甘珠尔与旧译宁玛所有教法;16岁以前在竹巴噶举68代杰堪布座下学习。之后在第九世岗顶祖古昆桑.贝玛.南给尊者监护指导下,于岗顶仁波切之高级佛学院完成僧伽教育,并取得佛学博士学位。2003年于高级佛学院展开三年三个月闭关之实修。2008以优异成绩授颁堪布(教授)的荣衔。2009年在岗顶祖古仁波切,和多杰林巴传承大成就者浪.雅旺.天津(Lam Ngawang Tenzin)尊者,以及Sephu Geog教区人民的见证下,于旺度寺院被任命为Lam住持,以「布萨祖古」(Busa Trulku) 为不丹人民所知。 2017年11月不丹国家法王介堪布(Je Khenpo)特别再给予仁波切公开升法座的殊荣,并于媒体表扬仁波切为佛法, 为多杰林巴传承,为村民及佛法修行者所做得种种无私的贡献。 于2018年七月,不丹现任国王特别制作多杰林巴尊者像,并亲自送到布萨旺度寺庙赠与仁波切。 台湾多杰林巴佛学会于2013设立。仁波切并于香港、新加坡等亚洲地区弘法。目前在不丹设立有中小学及高级佛学院 ,共管理三间寺庙,一间闭关寺庙,60位小喇嘛及50多位瑜珈士。 仁波切并持有宁玛派敦珠仁波切、顶果钦哲仁波切、岗顶仁波切、贝诺仁波切大圆满传承,以及竹巴噶举68代介堪布天津通度的大圆满传承。 ▋Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche (Busa Trulku) Busa Trulku, Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche was recognized as the Trulku (Reincarnation) of the Lam Phuntsho Dorji, one of the successive lineage holders of Tshungmed TashiTenzin, the Heart Son of Tertoen Dorji Lingpa. Tertoen Dorji Lingpa was the East Treasure King of Guru Rinpoche, the third of five treasure kings. Busa Trulku was able to distinguish the personal belongings of his previous life at a very early age. Aja Lam Dorji Tenzin following visions and signs, which affirmed his identity as the Trulku, did the recognition. At the age of 8, he was admitted in the Central Monastic Body, Tashichodzong, Thimphu, Bhutan where he underwent his early education in Drukpa Kagjug Buddhist teaching for 5 years, before he joined Nyingmapa studies at Gangteng Tholop Shedra, Monastery. He completed his monastic education (Zinda Gupa) with Masters of Arts in Buddhist Philosophy from Gangteng Tholop Shedra under His Eminence 9th Gangteng Trulku Kuenzang Pema Namgyal. In 2008, coinciding with the 100 years of Monarchy in Bhutan, he was honored as the recipient of the title of Khenpo (Professor) during the awarding ceremony of the first batch of Khenpos at the Gangteng Tholop Shedra where there were a total of only three Khenpos who were conferred the title for the first time in Gangteng Tholop Shedra. Busa Trulku has held the most pure and completed lineage of East Treasure King of Tertoen Dorji Lingpa. Trulku also received completed Dzogchen from Gangteng Rinpoche, Khyentse Rinpoche, Pema Norbu Rinpoche, and also The Sixty Eight Je Khenpo Tenzin Dendrup of Drukpa Kargyu. In 2017 His Holiness the Je Khenpo conferred Tashi Lekdar to Busa Trulku at a ceremony in Autsho, Lhuentse, Bhutan. Busa Wangdue Goenpa is located at Wangdue Phodrang Dzongkhag in Bhutan. It has three goenpa, primary school, one retreat center, 60 monks, and over 50 yogis, under the care of Busa Trulku Rinpoche. Busa Trulku with the help of disciples and supporters is building the Dorji Lingpa Lineage Higher Learning Education Institute (University) co-located with the goenpa. In July 2018 the King of Bhutan His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk visited Busa Wangdue Goenpa and offered the first Bhutan hand-made tertoen Dorji Lingpa statue to the goenpa. Busa Trulku has also established the Taiwan Dorji Lingpa Buddhist Center, a national based center in 2013. The center is located in New Taipei City Young-Ho of Taiwan. ▋台湾多杰林巴佛学会 Taiwan Dorji Lingpa Buddhist Center. 新北市永和市竹林路39巷28弄16号4楼 (顶溪捷运站) Facebook: 多杰林巴佛学会 Email: Busa Wangdue Goenpa Sephu Geog. Wangdue Phodrang Bhutan. Facebook: Busa Wangdue Goenpa Shedra
