美国嘻哈音乐人Frank Ocean回归新单《DHL》惊喜发布 这是Frank Ocean自2017年以来的第一支单曲,歌曲名字“DHL”是德国最大的物流公司之一,每年运送货物高达15亿件。 Frank Ocean曾在GQ的一次采访中谈到这家公司:“I don’t wanna give y'all the exclusive exclusive, but you know what? The new Christmas for me that makes me feel like a youngster is the night I come home from a long trip and I have boxes in the entrance to my apartment of things I forgot I had ordered or things people send me. That’s the new Christmas. I feel very blessed, grateful, and excited, happy chemicals rushing through my veins, when I walk into my apartment and I’ve got FedEx, DHL, UPS boxes, Worldnet boxes. As simple as that is. My box cutter is greasy from all the tape.”


