[00:00.000] 词曲 : KUKA & 泽林 & J.SIX
[00:01.000] 编曲 : Scarze
[00:02.000] 制作人 : J.SIX
[00:03.000] 监制 : J.SIX
[00:04.000] 录音 : J.SIX@Mossa studio
[00:05.000] 混音 : J.SIX&Proto
[00:06.000] 母带 : Proto
[00:15.309] 深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
[00:15.809] Shenzhen guest X3
[00:18.832] 我背井离乡 走四方 为了钱和名望
[00:19.335] I left my hometown and went everywhere for money and fame
[00:22.117] 深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
[00:22.617] Shenzhen guest X3
[00:24.884] 五湖四海 用不同方言造就这地方
[00:26.148] Different people create this place in different languages
[00:27.154] 拼命挤进大都会
[00:27.919] Squeeze into the metropolis desperately
[00:29.434] 抱团取暖背靠背
[00:29.935] Hold together to keep warm back to back
[00:31.701] 梦想不够填饱胃
[00:32.449] Dreams are not enough to fill the stomach
[00:33.459] 生活物价嫌太贵
[00:33.971] The price of living is too expensive
[00:34.975] 情绪失控难免会
[00:35.478] It is inevitable that emotions are out of control
[00:36.986] 跌倒之后 擦干眼泪
[00:37.497] Wipe away tears after falling
[00:38.256] 明明想要 却说着无所谓
[00:39.961] It doesn't matter if you want to
[00:41.219] 霓虹中的欲望
[00:41.730] Desire in neon
[00:42.741] 没什么值得挽留
[00:43.494] Nothing is worth staying
[00:44.498] 选择独自远走
[00:44.748] Choose to go away alone
[00:46.521] 不成功绝不回头
[00:47.023] Never look back if you don't succeed
[00:48.789] 灯红酒绿 香味让人着迷
[00:49.293] The light is red and the wine is green The fragrance is fascinating
[00:51.815] 纸醉金迷 小心别 掉进都市陷阱
[00:52.571] Be careful not to fall into the urban trap
[00:54.082] 痛并快乐着 享受
[00:54.330] Painful and happy, enjoy
[00:55.347] 享受生活折磨
[00:55.596] Enjoy the torture of life
[00:57.357] 头顶那束光 闪耀
[00:57.607] The light above the head shines
[00:58.622] 天使不再堕落
[00:59.121] Angels no longer fall
[01:00.125] 存在即合理
[01:00.378] Existence is reasonable
[01:01.140] 不同文化 这里聚集
[01:02.328] Different cultures gather here
[01:03.578] 融合且怪异
[01:03.827] Fusion and weird
[01:04.838] 在城中村屋子非常挤
[01:05.339] The house in the village in the city is very crowded
[01:07.866] 深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
[01:08.368] Shenzhen guest X3
[01:10.649] 我背井离乡 走四方 为了钱和名望
[01:11.648] I left my hometown and went everywhere for money and fame
[01:14.436] 深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
[01:14.937] Shenzhen guest X3
[01:17.211] 五湖四海 用不同方言造就这地方
[01:18.714] Different people create this place in different languages
[01:20.989] 快跟我 一起跳进丑陋欲望的沼泽
[01:22.244] Jump into the swamp of ugly desire with me
[01:25.517] 都喜欢 攀比那谁是那只鹦鹉学舌
[01:26.534] They all like to compare with who is that putterre
[01:29.296] 是好是坏 也未必你自己心里 能够清楚
[01:29.555] It's good or bad. It may not be clear in your heart
[01:31.306] 借着酒精 也不敢去吐露全部
[01:32.056] With alcohol, I don't dare to reveal everything
[01:32.996] What are you do
[01:34.006] Polish my shoes
[01:35.275] 我踏上了 是自己 选择的 想要的路
[01:35.774] I set foot on the road I chose and wanted
[01:37.282] 没目的 小弟弟 快逃离 这条路途
[01:37.784] No purpose, little brother, run away from this road
[01:39.048] 感觉那并不孤独
[01:39.295] I don't feel lonely
[01:40.301] 是他们被说唱辜负
[01:40.301] It was they who were let down by rap
[01:41.572] 他们是真的热爱
[01:41.821] They really love
[01:42.570] 没利益的时候
[01:42.221] When there is no interest
[01:42.971] 看他们一个
[01:43.223] Look at them
[01:44.491] 俩个跑的多快
[01:45.494] How fast do you two run?
[01:48.020] 我的阿达西最近trap进湖南槟郎
[01:48.274] My friend has been obsessed with eating betel nut recently
[01:51.545] 身边胶已人说要去草原看看羚羊
[01:51.545] My friend wants to go to the grassland to see the antelope
[01:54.571] 东北老铁不太适应南方冬季冰凉
[01:54.819] Friends in the north can't adapt to the cold in the south
[01:57.844] 就像江西朋友不想豆腐脑要放糖
[01:58.722] Just like friends in Jiangxi don't want to put sugar in the tofu pudding
[02:01.255] 这冰冷 的围墙 像是精神 庇护
[02:02.011] This cold wall is like a spiritual shelter
[02:04.538] 包容了所有 也把最纯粹的 剔除 比如
[02:06.488] It tolerates everything and also eliminates the purest, such as
[02:07.995] 我从小 就在 深圳长大
[02:08.256] I grew up in Shenzhen
[02:09.763] 却忘了跟 自己人 讲 家乡话
[02:10.770] I forgot to speak the local language to my family
[02:12.711] 深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
[02:13.972] Shenzhen guest X3
[02:17.261] 我背井离乡 走四方 为了钱和名望
[02:17.511] I left my hometown and went everywhere for money and fame
[02:19.287] 深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
[02:20.798] Shenzhen guest X3
[02:23.579] 五湖四海 用不同方言造就这地方
[02:24.337] Different people create this place in different languages


词曲 : KUKA & 泽林 & J.SIX
编曲 : Scarze
制作人 : J.SIX
监制 : J.SIX
录音 : J.SIX@Mossa studio
混音 : J.SIX&Proto
母带 : Proto
深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
Shenzhen guest X3
我背井离乡 走四方 为了钱和名望
I left my hometown and went everywhere for money and fame
深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
Shenzhen guest X3
五湖四海 用不同方言造就这地方
Different people create this place in different languages
Squeeze into the metropolis desperately
Hold together to keep warm back to back
Dreams are not enough to fill the stomach
The price of living is too expensive
It is inevitable that emotions are out of control
跌倒之后 擦干眼泪
Wipe away tears after falling
明明想要 却说着无所谓
It doesn't matter if you want to
Desire in neon
Nothing is worth staying
Choose to go away alone
Never look back if you don't succeed
灯红酒绿 香味让人着迷
The light is red and the wine is green The fragrance is fascinating
纸醉金迷 小心别 掉进都市陷阱
Be careful not to fall into the urban trap
痛并快乐着 享受
Painful and happy, enjoy
Enjoy the torture of life
头顶那束光 闪耀
The light above the head shines
Angels no longer fall
Existence is reasonable
不同文化 这里聚集
Different cultures gather here
Fusion and weird
The house in the village in the city is very crowded
深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
Shenzhen guest X3
我背井离乡 走四方 为了钱和名望
I left my hometown and went everywhere for money and fame
深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
Shenzhen guest X3
五湖四海 用不同方言造就这地方
Different people create this place in different languages
快跟我 一起跳进丑陋欲望的沼泽
Jump into the swamp of ugly desire with me
都喜欢 攀比那谁是那只鹦鹉学舌
They all like to compare with who is that putterre
是好是坏 也未必你自己心里 能够清楚
It's good or bad. It may not be clear in your heart
借着酒精 也不敢去吐露全部
With alcohol, I don't dare to reveal everything
What are you do
Polish my shoes
我踏上了 是自己 选择的 想要的路
I set foot on the road I chose and wanted
没目的 小弟弟 快逃离 这条路途
No purpose, little brother, run away from this road
I don't feel lonely
It was they who were let down by rap
They really love
When there is no interest
Look at them
How fast do you two run?
My friend has been obsessed with eating betel nut recently
My friend wants to go to the grassland to see the antelope
Friends in the north can't adapt to the cold in the south
Just like friends in Jiangxi don't want to put sugar in the tofu pudding
这冰冷 的围墙 像是精神 庇护
This cold wall is like a spiritual shelter
包容了所有 也把最纯粹的 剔除 比如
It tolerates everything and also eliminates the purest, such as
我从小 就在 深圳长大
I grew up in Shenzhen
却忘了跟 自己人 讲 家乡话
I forgot to speak the local language to my family
深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
Shenzhen guest X3
我背井离乡 走四方 为了钱和名望
I left my hometown and went everywhere for money and fame
深圳客 深圳客 深圳客
Shenzhen guest X3
五湖四海 用不同方言造就这地方
Different people create this place in different languages
