

“和替身使者一样 音乐品味相同的人总会相互吸引”-djbearwithme Hello it’s 麦麦熊带你看 之网易云分熊DJbearwithme 网易云音乐,苹果音乐(Apple Music)声破天(Spotify)油管(Youtube)认证独立音乐创作人 代表作 Ooh Baby 本熊毕业于英国帝国理工,16年英 美 澳 港的学习工作经历给予了多元化的创作灵感。也获得网易云首席音乐合伙人title 终身vip会员 音乐品味官方认证 定期参与全网歌曲评分。 喜欢分享好听的city pop ,edm, tropical house, jazzhiphop,vaporwave 给各位小熊 DJbearwithme (certified artist for Netease,Spotify, Apple music,kkbox, YouTube music, tictok, QQ music)graduated from Imperial College London with an MBA and has accumulated 16 years of study and work experience in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, and Hong Kong. Professionally, he is a financial analyst, but he is also an amateur DJ who loves composing various types of music. He enjoys sharing city pop, EDM, tropical house, jazz hiphop, and vaporwave music with all his bear fans.

